Eli Manning Leads A Late 4th Quarter Comeback To Beat The 49ers And Shut Up The Haters For One Night

Well that was fun! I think. I will fully admit that the end of that game was a complete mindfuck for me. On one hand I wanted the Giants to clinch a much-needed loss against another team competing for the Number 1 pick. On the other hand I wanted Eli to shove it down the haters throats that were looking for one last Manning Face orgy as the Giants lost yet another prime time game. In the end, I was hoping for the Giants to win because I have been rooting for nothing but losses from the Giants and Knicks for weeks, so having a solitary win can’t hurt THAT much, right? I wouldn’t be surprised if the Raiders lose out because Jon Gruden has motherfuckers retiring on his ass left and right. But the Niners will fall into a few more wins while the Bills, Cardinals, and Jets all have surefire Hall of Fame rookie quarterbacks on their rosters, so they will finish with a flourish. Anyway, when push comes to shove, there is no doubt in my mind that this team will continue to come through and lose when it counts over the next 7 weeks unless every game is against a Bottom 5 team playing their 3rd string quarterback. 2-14 or 3-13 are both pitiful, but 1-15 would’ve just been depressing.

Then again, as every Giants fan will tell you, the 2007 Giants did start the season 0-2 as well…

Okay, that doesn’t work as well when the team is 2-7.

Then again…

9-7 record and Super Bowl run = Still alive. Especially with the Redskins leading the NFC East.

Some quick hits:

– No matter what happens the rest of the season, 2018 will be a success in my mind if the Giants found a kick returner in Corey Coleman.

I may not remember what a good kick returner looks like in a Big Blue jersey. But I definitely remember what a shitty kick returner looks like in a Big Blue jersey and Coleman definitely doesn’t look like a shitty kick returner.

– Eli doling out pancakes like Orlando Pace in his prime was a sight for sore eyes.

– Eli throwing a fucking changeup to Odell on what would have been a surefire touchdown wasn’t as nice to see.

– But in the end, Eli came through like he always sometimes occasionally does

It turns out Eli plays better when he is not being pressured or sacked every other play. Crazy, right?

– I know this is a controversial opinion in 2018, but having Saquon Barkley on your team is better than not having Saquon Barkley on your team.

– Here is your weekly reminder that Odell Beckham Jr. is a no good, dirty rotten scoundrel!

– I am so so soooooo happy the Giants don’t play on Monday Night Football again this season. Having to listen to that broadcast team is cruel and unusual punishment for any football fan. Last night’s highlight was Booger McFarland saying Eli wasn’t a Hall of Famer because he never made the playoffs outside of his two Super Bowl seasons instead of the six times everyone with a pair of eyes and a brain knows he has made. The fact they will be announcing next week’s potential Super Bowl preview is a fucking travesty.

But no more negativity. Eli got his comeback win on the road in prime time before riding into the sunset during 1:00 slopfests that are barely shown on the Red Zone Channel, giving the Twitter hyenas very little fodder.


Big mood:

Now lets lose the rest of these games and go get a gooddamn quarterback (or win them all and get another ring. Either/or).

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